Important Message Please Read

Since I do not require you to sign up for an account to post on the website I do have a few rules:
1. No last names.
2. Make sure your name is on the post.
3. If you are a parent please put your name and your students' name.

4. No negative comments about other students.

I will DELETE posts and will not answer if you don't follow these rules.

Thank You,
Mr. Williams
"Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can't lose!"

Room 18 Calendar

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Important Information for the Week of Decmber 5th

Dear Parents,

Your student will be participating in two very important events over the next couple of weeks that I want to make you aware of. First, on Tuesday, December 6th, at 6:30 pm we will be performing at our annual Winterfest.  Due to the large turnout last year of parents, family and friends this year’s performance will be held at the PCC. The PCC has graciously offered their facility as it is larger than the auditorium at M.I.T. The PCC is located at 3560 Farm Hill Blvd. in Redwood City. I would like students to be there no later than 6:15 pm.  Secondly, we have been asked to perform the Preamble to the United States Constitution and sing a song we have been learning for the Redwood City School Board of Trustees on Wednesday, December 7th at 7:00pm. This is a tremendous honor for your student and our class and I would like to see 100% participation from my students.  Your student should arrive by 6:45pm to the Redwood City District Office located at 750 Bradford Street in Redwood City. I will meet the students in the lobby. Once the performance is over the students will be free to go home. Students who attend these evening performances will not be required to do the homework on the event nights. Please mark your calendars for these two very important events for you and your student.  I look forward to seeing you on December 6th and 7th.

Thank you,

Mr. Williams


Estimados Padres,

Les quería avisar que su estudiante estará participando en dos eventos muy importantes durante las próximas dos semanas. Primeramente, el Martes, 6 de Diciembre, a las 6:30pm, estaremos presentando nuestro evento de invierno anual, Winterfest. Por el gran numero de asistencia el ano pasado, este ano tendremos la presentación en el local de PCC. El local de PCC a graciosamente ofrecido sus facilidades siendo mas grande que el auditorio de M.I.T. El local de PCC esta localizado en el 3560 Farm Hill Blvd. en Redwood City. Me gustaría que los estudiantes llegaran lo mas tardar a las 6:15pm. Segundamente, nos han pedido ser parte dela presentación del Preámbulo de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, cantando una canción que hemos estado aprendiendo para la Junta Directiva Escolar de Redwood City el Miércoles, 7 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm. Esta es un tremendo honor para su estudiante y a nuestra clase y a mi nos gustaría ver 100% participación de todos mis estudiantes. Su estudiante debe llegar a las 6:45pm a la Oficina Principal del Distrito de Redwood City, localizado en el 750 Bradford Street en Redwood City. Me juntare con los estudiantes en el lobby. Cuando termine la presentación los estudiantes se pueden ir a sus casas. Los estudiantes que asista estas dos presentación no estarán requeridos hacer si tarea en la tarde de los eventos. Por favor márquenlo en sus calendarios para estos dos muy importantes eventos  para usted y su estudiante. Espero verlos el 6 y  de Diciembre.



Mr. Williams


Anonymous said...


I need help on the math problems 7-10 because I forgot how to do it.


Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Williams

Do we still have to study our times tables


ITZEL said...


I forgot my math book at my desk what do I do


Mr. J. Williams said...

Are you going tonight to the board meeting? If not you can come back to school as I will be here for another hour. I plan on leaving around 6:15pm.

Anonymous said...


my grandma took the car to wash and I cant go to school and im not going the board meeting what do I do?????????

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Williams,
Can we bring a stuffed animal as a pillow to the celebration?

Anonymous said...

Mr.Williams,David is trying to explain to me about the christmas celebration,but I don't understand. Do we have to bring lunch food and dessert for the whole class? David's mom- Maria

Mr. J. Williams said...

Wendy-I think that sca great idea.

David's Mom- the students were asked to check with their parents about thing they might be able to bring. Tomorrow (Monday) we are going to decide who is bringing what. I hope that clarifies it for you.